Posting A Daily Article For Be A Music Pro

Hello, interns and BAMP bloggers!  This is a step-by-step to what it takes to post a daily article for us!

BAMP Dailies are coverage of other news articles and stories we think are relevant to the industry.  Here are the ground rules and how to write a good article.  Before reading this article, log into your WordPress account with us and have it open!

1)  NEVER write a daily without linking the original source.  We feel it crucial to be ethical and give credit to the original posters and sites that we cover as an aggregator.ALWAYS link the original post that you’re covering at the beginning or end of the original article using the “link” button shown below.  Copy the URL (web address) with your Control-C copy command (or equivalent copy-paste) and then highlight some text in your article you want to serve as a link.  Hit the link button and paste the URL.

highlight-> linkbutton

2)  Quote a relevant one or two sentences using the quote button and the highlight in the same way – make sure it’s obvious as to who said it and what the source is.  Never copy text without making sure it’s listed as a quote!


3)  When choosing a picture from Google Images for the article, use the following guidelines:

  • a.  Pick a picture wider than 800 pixels or it won’t display accurately on BAMP.  You can use Advanced Search to find a subject photo wider than 800 pixels.
  • b.  If you see copyright text in the photo comments after it’s uploaded, remove it and choose another.  We claim fair use on photos under the “thumbnail verdict”, but this does not apply to explicitly copyrighted photos.
  • c.  Don’t use the same photo as the article you’re covering.

4)  Mark your Categories as Dailies and The Latest.  This happens on the right side of the WordPress interface.


5)  Add tags to your draft.  The Tags section is under the Categories section.  This is important because otherwise BAMP’s internal search can’t cross-reference “related articles” and that’s a big potential source of views.



6)  For best results, choose a focus keyword and write your own meta description.


7)  For YouTube embeds, we no longer require putting in embed code!  Simply copy and paste the web address into the article without a link, like this:



The backend will embed you automatically!

8)  Don’t spend too much time on the dailies!  A daily article should take no more than 15-20 minutes to post, if that.  If you have additional commentary, write it up as a second article and editorial.

9)  Hit Publish!  We don’t require story approval from editors on dailies.  However if you have cited from any source without appropriate linkage, the article can be pulled, so please obey the rules!


That’s all it takes!  Easy stuff!

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