The Game Down To Fight George Zimmerman In Celebrity Boxing Match

UPDATE: The Game formally challenged Zimmerman to boxing match on TMZ.

Acquitted killer George Zimmerman says he wants to take up boxing – and celebrity rapper The Game says he’s more than happy to be George Zimmerman’s first opponent.

Watch the video of The Game talking with celebrity boxing match promoter Damon Feldman on TMZ:

TMZ  reported that the Ali Bomaye rapper has accepted a challenge to box the infamous George Zimmerman in a celebrity boxing match being promoted by Damon Feldman. The fight is scheduled for March 1 and all proceeds go to charity. The Game is 240lbs and 6’5″ and heavily muscled.  Zimmerman is 5’7″, and his weight has fluctuated from 185lbs. to 285lbs. by media accounts – most of it generally not muscle.

The Game said:

“I will beat the f**k out of him. I would not be boxing for me. I’d be boxing for the legacy of Trayvon Martin and for his family. I would box him to knock him out and I would definitely take pleasure in it. It’s legal, and I want to show him you can solve your disputes without a weapon.”

Back in August, the rapper unveiled a tattoo in honor of Trayvon Martin on Instagram:


The 17-year-old Trayvon was shot by Zimmerman for essentially being in the wrong place at the wrong time – and then acquitted by a Southern jury on which one panelist referred to the slain child as a “boy of color”.  To make matters worse, in the months preceding and following the trial, Game’s picture was distributed virally by Zimmerman’s supporters, and claimed to be a picture of Trayvon –  and used to justify the slaying, with many people in rural areas saying Trayvon was “clearly dangerous” – apparently unable to tell the difference between a 17-year-old unarmed boy and a 34-year-old, weightlifting celebrity rapper.

What do you think, BAMP readers?  What are your opinions on the Martin killing and the personalities involved?  Is this a fight that needs to happen?

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