MGK talks new Interscope album, relationship with Diddy, gives advice to youth

Also says being scared to listen to Eminem‘s MMLP2 and gives advice to youth.

In an interview with Montreality, Cleveland Bad Boy rapper Machine Gun Kelly discussed the status of his upcoming album at Interscope:

“Yeah man, I’m working on this next album. It’s gonna be my sophomore album with this label, with Interscope. So that’s all I gotta say about that. I’m excited about it, I’m super excited about it. It’s so early in the process I can’t say much.”

MGK also opened up about his working relationship with Diddy:

“I think the most profound conversation I’ve had with Puff would be when I fuck up, and it’s a bad fuck up, and I get that call. And I’m at the point where nothing that my team could say to me means anything. I don’t wanna hear what he has to say. When I see him call, I’m like, ‘I don’t wanna hear what anyone has to say,’ because I’m stuck in my way. But he’ll call and he’ll say something that makes so much sense, and it’s from someone who had a hot head and you saw [growing] up. He’ll just say it in a way that no one else can say it, and you’re like, ‘Fuck, he teaches you a lesson.’ He’ll mind fuck you. You’re so positive, you’re like, ‘I’m not gonna listen to shit he has to say. I’m stuck in my way.’ And then he says it and you’re like, ‘Damn, man, I don’t even want to listen to it but he’s totally right.’ So, I think he kind of kept me from saying, ‘Fuck the industry’ to the point where I really left the whole industry as a artist. I was so close to just taking both feet out instead of keeping one foot in the real world and one foot in the industry, which I think I do well. He at least helped me keep that foot in.”

Watch the full interview below:

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